5 Most Common Tennis Injuries and Treatment at Brunswick Heads Physio


Spring is here, and if you’re a keen tennis player you’ll no doubt be gearing up to get back on the court. Tennis can be a fast-paced game, and when you add hard surfaces into the mix the risk of injury rises, particularly if you are not prepared for it. In this blog post, Brunswick Heads Physio will highlight five of the most common tennis related injuries and the best options for treatment.

If you’re suffering from a sporting injury and are seeking sports physiotherapy, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team at Brunswick Heads Physio today.

  1. Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy

Sudden increase in arm movements you aren’t prepared for, particularly overhead movements, can lead to a rotator cuff tendinopathy. Your rotator cuff consists of 4 amazing muscles that help stabilise your shoulder. Unfortunately their tendons can become sore if they are faced with more load than they are used to, especially if this increase in load is not balanced with enough recovery. Once the rotator cuff tendons become sore, they can limit your shoulder mobility and strength.

Sudden force or impact may lead to a rotator cuff tear, which may occur when trying to hit a fast-moving ball, during a serve or due to a fall on a hard-court surface. Your rotator cuff plays a critical role, as it keeps your arm firmly within the shoulder socket.

Rotator cuff tears can be partial or complete, with symptoms ranging from ongoing pain to weakness, tender shoulders and cracking/clicking or popping sounds during shoulder movement.

  1. Tennis Elbow

Every tennis player has heard about tennis elbow (or lateral epicondylalgia). Just like your rotator cuff, the tendons on the outside of your elbow can become overloaded if you make them do more than they are otherwise used to doing. This can result in sharp elbow pain, weaker grip, and a burning sensation around the elbow. Don’t put up with the pain, give us a call and we’ll tailor a treatment plan to have you back out on the court before you know it.

  1. Ankle Sprain

Playing tennis involves a lot of sharp movements, which combined with the fast pace nature of the game can easily lead to a twisted ankle. The ankle is a delicate area which can be sprained due to an unexpected movement, awkward fall or sudden changes in ground surface whilst running around the court.

If you suspect you might have sprained your ankle, you should give us a call immediately. Typical symptoms include swelling, bruising, stiffness, pain and tenderness around the ankle when walking.

  1. Knee Injuries

We regularly see ACL and MCL injuries here at Brunswick Heads Physio, along with other knee-related injuries. The constant change in direction accompanied with stopping and starting during a tennis match may increase the chances of spraining the ligaments in your knee. These ligaments are important for the stability of your knee, so if you think you may have hurt them, we would be more than happy to help get you properly diagnosed and on the right path towards recovery.

  1. Lumbar Stress Fractures

When serving the tennis ball, you end up placing significant stress on the vertebra, as this move requires you to extend, rotate, bend and flex in a smooth and consistent movement. Normally the spine is quite capable of dealing with these movements, however if there is a large increase in the volume or intensity of training without adequate recovery, then stress fractures may occur.

Tennis players who are also on a restricted calorie diet may be at a higher risk for developing lumbar stress fractures. If you are experiencing back pain that gets worse with activity, affects your sleeping, and persists for more than a few days, contact our team for professional advice and treatment.

Suffering from a Tennis related Injury? Get Back on the Court Sooner with Sports Physiotherapy

Tennis injuries can happen anytime, anywhere – no matter your age or skill level. The team of physiotherapists at Brunswick Heads Physio are skilled at treating all types of tennis injuries, and we can create a tailored treatment plan to have you back on the court very soon. We’ll teach you safe and effective exercises whilst also implementing strategies to reduce pain, inflammation and help you regain a full range of movement required for playing tennis.

Call us now on 02 7955 6686, or contact us via our website. We look forward to assisting you soon.